Support expectant and growing families in the Bay Area
Blossom relies on generous support to serve women and families during a critical time in their lives. With a small staff, contractors, and the backing of sponsorships, grants, and donations, we work together to be your village.
Founded in 1999, Blossom Birth Services
DBA Blossom Birth & Family, is a 501 c(3) organization (EIN #77 0506942).
Donate by Mail
Checks should be made payable to "Blossom Birth Services" and mailed to P.O. Box 224, Mountain View, CA 94041.
Corporate Matching and Workplace Giving
To find out if your company will match gifts to Blossom Birth Services, check here or contact your employer.
Gifts of Stock
To make a gift of stock, please contact Carolina Hahn at (650) 321-2326 to request stock transfer instructions.
Recurring Giving
Recurring contributions provide sustainable funding that helps us meet the needs of families we serve on a more consistent basis. You may use our online donation page to set your gift frequency.
Volunteer Your Time
Philanthropy includes the gift of time. Make a difference to Blossom by volunteering. For more information, please email